SYBA exists to serve and equip our member churches. Staff are willing to assist pastors in all areas of ministry. To find out how SYBA can assist your church, contact Noel Williamson at 704-873-4372, ext. 2.
Services Available:
Pastor to Pastor Relationship
Pastoral Search Team Training
Guest Speakers
Interim Pulpit Supply List
Demographics & Community Statistics
Staff Retreat or Meeting Space Available at SYBA Offices
Free Media Library for Pastors:
The Board of Directors gave each pastor and his family a free subscription to Right Now Media in October 2019. The service is a streaming library of Bible study videos for men, women, teens, children and includes aides for pastors.
Because SYBA has provided this gift to each church pastor, Right Now Media will grant discounted pricing for any church that decides to give access to their members.
Pastors can find all types of trainings, sermon illustrations and topical research support for sermon preparation. No need to go to a conference anymore and incur hotel and traveling costs. The best conferences are uploaded within 90 days to watch. A cost savings for churches.
Just one way the Board of Directors wanted to recognize and appreciate our Senior Pastors.
If you have not registered or want more info, contact Shelley Williamson at or 704-873-4372, ext. 5.